Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our first...

Wondering were we have been? Here is the update. Jona and I have had many of our first as new parents...and I am sure there is more to come! We had an exciting election day in the McEver home. Let me begin by making everyone aware, you will see a pattern going forward but it has been taking place for the past 4 years. Late election night, while watching the polls I discovered Hart had diarrhea and where was Daddy...the fire dept. The next morning we found out he had caught the stomach bug! Hart first virus, he did well not very fussy. And I think we handled it very well. Then the following friday (Daddy at fire dept) Hart started spitting up like crazy. He had about 3 outfit changes in one day, and Amanda needing at least one. We were told it could be possible reflux to watch him. So we spent the weekend spitting up and wearing beautiful bibs. By monday night (Daddy at the fire dept) Hart was not feeling well. He cried in pain from 9:15pm to 11:30 pm and I cried with him. Needless to say the next day reflux medicine was called in for him. And it does seem to be helping! And finally, yesterday (Daddy was actually home!!) thanks to my Aunt Sandra who brought it to my attention Hart is constipated. That explains why he is mad at the world! So we are doing the dark karo syrup to cure that. If it wasn't for family and friends we would be clueless. But I think we are handling it well for 1st time parents. We will see what happens on Daddy's next shift. By the way... you know you are a Mom when you blog about your kid's poop.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just like Daddy!

Look how tiny I am!
1 month today

Just like Daddy

"I am warning you, I am going to tell Daddy!"

"I said enough pictures Mommy!"

Here are a few pics of Hart acting just like Daddy. They even sleep alike!

November 3rd, 2008 Hart's due date

We couldn't wait to meet him, our tiny little love.
So God sent him early, our gift from above.

Yesterday was Hart's due date. Jona and I can't believe Hart will be 6 weeks old this friday, we can't imagine not having him here already. He had his 1 mth checkup last friday he was 8.5 lbs and 20 inches long. He is gaining weight, recognizing our voices, staying awake longer, holding his head up...I could go on an on. Everyday there is something new that just amazes us!

McEver Pumpkin Patch

Our little pumpkin was happy to leave the farm for a few hours, especially Mommy! We had a great time out trick-or-treating. Levi decided to be Batman this year and Enslee was a fashionable little Angel. She really seemed to enjoy Madison's Pink Ladies outfit.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Very Touching...grab tissues before watching!

I saw this yesterday on Oprah, and it really touched me. As soon as Jona came home from work we sat down and watched it together. Needless to saw we both cried, I of course did the "ugly cry". It really hit home for us. Now seeing Hart it is hard to believe he spent 10 days in NICU. We both had days of pure exhaustion, sleepless nights...and I would have pity parties for myself. "What did I do for him to come so early?" I seemed to ask Jona every few hrs his last days in NICU. Jona with his strong never questioning Faith would tell me "You did nothing, the good Lord was just ready for him to be here." We along with all our family and friends would get so excited over the smallest accomplishments Hart had. Moving from 25cc to 30 cc, taking a full 30 to 35 cc in 30 mins, and I will never forget the morning of Oct. 4th when we walked into NICU for his 8am feeding and he was awake crying for food!!!! Music to our ears! We still love to hear him cry out for food. We are happy to let everyone know Hart has been eating for the past two days 4 ozs every 3-4 hrs!! Oh before I forget, Eliott's parents were happy to announce that in 2 weeks Eliott will be having a little brother or sister. I don't know them but could not be more excited for them!

Monday, October 27, 2008

10 days of NICU

Here are a few pics of Hart in NICU. The longest 10 days of our lives!! We are so grateful it was only 10 days and he was as healthy as he was.

Hart's Birth Story

It was a normal friday morning. I had a checkup at Dr. Lake's office with Kasey the midwife and Jona was at the fire dept. Everything was fine and normal at my checkup. I felt like I had dropped quite a bit that week so Kasey checked things out. She felt Hart's head but had no concerns, I was right on schedule to be 34 weeks and 5 days. I returned to work about 9:45 am and with through the day as normal. Around 10 to 12 I was talking to one of the girls in the office and felt something funny. Trying not to draw attention to myself I excused myself to the restroom, and to my surprise my water had broke. I couldn't believe it!! I walked back into Nancy's office like a lost confused child and let her know my water had broke...what do I do??? Keep in mind I had big plans for that weekend. Jona was off all weekend, I was going to clean the house spotless, pack a suitcase, pickup gowns, etc. Anyway, I called Dr. Lake's office and asked everyone in the office to call someone. Sam called Jona and told him to head to the office my water had broke. Tabaitha called Amanda and told her to meet us at Dr. Lake's office. I called my Daddy which was priceless. I called him and asked if he had spoke to Amanda. Daddy in his calm voice as usual let me know he hadn't spoke to her that morning. I started crying and let him know my water had broke, he is concerned Daddy voice he said "Oh Lord". I told him Amanda would call him and keep him up to date.
When Jona got to the office his eyes were huge. He was so excited to know we were having Hart that day. All I could do was laugh and cry at the same time. I was excited but very nervous that Hart had not been baking long enough. I was worried about his lung development. Dr. Hulsey let me know before leaving the office that he would be fine. We met Kasey at their office and she confirmed we were having Hart that day. She was surprised to see that my water had broke. We headed straight for the 2nd floor at NEGA medical center. So much for us checking out the new wing. On the way Jona started calling his family. Of course his Dad Chip "Grumpy" was out of town playing golf. His Mom Myra "Gram" was at school so we had to have someone locate her and let her know. When he called his brother Mac he told him for us not to have him until after 5.
Dr. Lake met us at the hospital and told us Hart would probably be here about midnight to 3am. But would like to have him here before the debate. I said that sounded like a plan since I was not a morning person. Then reality kicked in, he also told us Hart could be in NICU until his birthday which was Nov.3rd....can you repeat that? My emotions kicked in, we had the text book pregnancy from day 1 and now here we are about to have a pre-term baby.
By this time our family and friends started showing up. Amanda and Kelli made the suitcase list so Jona and Amanda could pack it for me. Amanda and Jona left so he could change and they could pack my bags. My wonderful nurse started me on pitocin and started asking the million questions. During the questions Hart's heart rate started dropping. I had to lay on my side and use oxygen to keep his heart rate up. This made me very nervous. Hart had a great heart rate my entire pregnancy and now what was happening. They ended up asking everyone to step out and called about 4 nurses in. Keep in mind Jona and Amanda were at my house and not with me!!! Dr. Lake came by and let me know this could be a sign his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. If his heart rate continued to drop possible c-section,vacuums or forceps could be ahead. Words every laboring Mother loves to hear! Jona called and I updated him so he headed back to the hospital. Once back everything went very fast. Once I had diated to 5 and the pain really kicked in I asked for an epidural which I recommend to everyone! Dr. Lake was called and he recommended stopping the pitocin since it was putting Hart in distress. About 30 mins after the epidural I started complaining with pain and Rebecca the nurse checked and I had already dilated to 10. Thank goodness I asked for the epidural when I did!! 44 mins later at 8:44 pm we welcomed Hartwell James McEver weighing 5 lbs 8 oz and 18 3/4 inches into the world! He did have his cord around his neck twice. But I heard him crying and he grabbed my finger and I just knew everything was going to be ok! The wonderful nurses from NICU were rushed in right before his birth and took he back to NICU to be checked out.
We found out that night that Hart was in great shape. No lung issues so far, so hopefully Hart would only be spending about a week in NICU. We were so proud to have him here Happy and Healthy!